Go & Serve Opportunities

Ever considered traveling overseas? Ever thought about a missions trip? What if you could do both AND help more kids meet Christ? Come to Young Life's Pioneer Camp near Yerevan, Armenia, and help us make this camp an excellent place for kids to have fun, hear the Gospel and possibly make a life-changing decision to follow Jesus Christ. Serve kids at camp, take a quiet moment making a new friend, encourage leaders and kids … from remodeling dorms and camp buildings to clearing the property to creating activity fields, we've got plenty to keep you busy! We make it easy by handling all the details. Let’s us help you take the trip of a lifetime!​

Volunteering at Pioneer Camp

Visit beautiful Young Life Pioneer Camp for the adventure of a lifetime! Each year thousands of Armenian kids, from street kids and orphans to those with special needs, go to camp to experience the best week of their lives. We need your servant's hearts, helping hands and willingness to serve kids through cleaning dorms, helping with sports activities, and serving meals. Encourage and model the love of Jesus to these Young Life Armenia ​club kids and leaders! Come and experience the incredible hospitality and friendship of our staff. Your trip will also include a tour of historical ruins and monasteries i​n the majestic Bombak Mountains!

2024-25 Dates:

Anytime in July! ​ Contact Carrie Fraser​ to find out how you can join a team or take a group!


Visit beautiful Young Life Pioneer Camp for the adventure of a lifetime! Each year thousands of Armenian kids, from street kids and orphans to those with special needs, go to camp to experience the best week of their lives. We need your servant's hearts, helping hands and willingness to serve kids through cleaning dorms, helping with sports activities, and serving meals. Encourage and model the love of Jesus to these Young Life Armenia ​club kids and leaders! Come and experience the incredible hospitality and friendship of our staff. Your trip will also include a tour of historical ruins and monasteries i​n the majestic Bombak Mountains!

2024-25 Dates:

Anytime in July! ​ Contact Carrie Fraser​ to find out how you can join a team or take a group!